The Strange Teacher of Stupidity: A Story of Substance and Structure

Once upon a time, there was a student named Benny who loved to study all kinds of subjects. He was especially interested in the structure of stories, because he wanted to be a great writer when he grew up.

One day, Benny was walking down the street when he saw a strange man. The man was walking back and forth, muttering to himself about the importance of substance in stories. Benny was curious, so he approached the man and asked what he meant.

The man explained that all good stories needed to have substance, or they wouldn't be interesting. Benny agreed, and asked the man what his favorite subject was. The man replied that his favorite subject was stupidity.

Benny was a bit taken aback. He had never heard of anyone studying stupidity before! But the man was very serious, and he explained that there was a lot to learn from the mistakes that people make.

Benny was still a bit skeptical, but he was also curious. So he asked the man to teach him all about stupidity. The man agreed, and every day Benny would come back to the street to study under the strange man.

To Benny's surprise, he found that he was actually learning a lot about how to make his stories more interesting. He started to add more substance to his writing, and before long, his stories were becoming more and more popular.

One day, Benny became so confident in his writing that he entered a competition. And to everyone's surprise, he won! The judges were amazed by the substance and structure of his stories, and they declared him the best young writer in the land.

Benny was overjoyed, and he realized that his strange teacher was right all along. Sometimes the most important things to study are the things that seem the most stupid. And with that, Benny went on to become one of the greatest writers of all time.


  1. Who is Benny and what does he want to be when he grows up?
  2. Who does Benny meet on the street and what does the man teach him?
  3. Why does Benny start studying stupidity?
  4. What is the outcome of Benny's studies?
  5. Why do you think Benny's stories become more popular?
  6. What can we learn from the strange teacher of stupidity?
  7. Why do you think the judges declared Benny the best young writer in the land?
  8. What can we learn from Benny's story?

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