The Amazing Under Unit Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She loved to have fun and play with her friends, but most of all she loved spending time with her Uncle Mark. Uncle Mark was always up to something fun and creative.

One day, Uncle Mark came up with a new game. He said, "Lily, I have a new unit I want to show you. It's called the Under Unit and it's a device that helps you understand things better."

Lily was very curious and asked, "What does it do?"

Uncle Mark explained, "The Under Unit helps you understand anything you want to know. All you have to do is ask a question and it will give you the answer."

Lily was so excited and wanted to try it out. She asked, "What's the tallest mountain in the world?"

The Under Unit replied, "The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest."

Lily was amazed and asked Uncle Mark, "Can I use the Under Unit for anything I want to know?"

Uncle Mark replied, "Yes, you can use it for anything you want to know, but there's a catch. You can only use it until tomorrow morning."

Lily was a bit disappointed but then she thought of a brilliant idea. She would use the Under Unit to play a game with her friends. They would take turns asking questions and the first person to get stumped would lose.

The next day, Lily and her friends gathered and the game began. They took turns asking questions and the Under Unit never failed to give the right answer. But then, Lily's friend Max asked, "What's the funniest joke you know?"

The Under Unit replied, "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!"

Everyone burst out laughing and Uncle Mark declared Lily the winner. From that day on, they all had a new appreciation for the Under Unit and they all agreed to play the game again soon. The End.


  1. What is the Under Unit and what does it do?
  2. Who won the game that Lily and her friends played with the Under Unit?
  3. What was the catch with using the Under Unit?
  4. What was the funny joke that the Under Unit told at the end of the story?
  5. Why did Lily and her friends enjoy playing with the Under Unit?
  6. Do you think you would like to play a game with the Under Unit? Why or why not?

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