The Wise Woman and the Flying Basket

Once upon a time, there was a wise woman who lived in a village of wonders. She was known for her intelligence and for always finding the best solution to any problem.

One day, a woman from the village came to her and wished for a way to reach her friend's house without having to walk the long and tiring journey. The wise woman thought for a moment and then came up with a solution.

She took a wire and made a tightrope from one end of the village to the other. She then tied a basket to the wire and told the woman to get in. The woman was a little afraid but, with the wise woman's encouragement, she stepped into the basket and held on tight to the ropes.

As she began to walk the tightrope, she suddenly realized that she was walking on air, high above the ground. She couldn't believe her eyes! She felt like a bird, gliding through the air with the wind blowing through her hair.

Soon, she reached her friend's house and was greeted with open arms. The wise woman's idea was a huge success, and soon, everyone in the village was using the tightrope to travel from one end to the other.

From that day on, the wise woman's name was known throughout the village as the "Wire Wonder" and she lived happily ever after, using her intelligence and creativity to make the lives of the people in her village better.

The end.


  1. Who was the wise woman in the story and why was she called wise?
  2. What did the woman from the village wish for?
  3. What solution did the wise woman come up with to help the woman?
  4. What was the woman's experience like while walking on the tightrope?
  5. Why was the wise woman's idea a success?
  6. How did the people in the village feel about the wise woman after she created the flying basket?
  7. What do you think the moral of the story is?
  8. If you were in the village, would you have used the tightrope to travel? Why or why not?

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