The Skinny King's Transformation: A Tale of Roundness and Straightness

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a skinny king named King Slim. King Slim was so skinny that he could fit through the tiniest of holes, which came in handy when he needed to escape from his enemies.

One day, King Slim was feeling very sad. He had heard that the neighboring kingdom, ruled by King Wide, was much more prosperous and had a much better kingdom. King Slim was feeling down because his own kingdom was not as prosperous, and he was worried that his people were not as happy as they could be.

King Slim decided that he needed to do something about this, so he summoned all of his bravest and strongest knights and set out on a quest to the neighboring kingdom to find out their secret. When he arrived, he found that King Wide was a very round and solid king, who was loved by all of his subjects because he was always there for them.

King Slim was very envious of King Wide and wished that he could be more like him. King Wide saw how sad King Slim was and decided to help him. He gave King Slim a potion that would make him round and solid, just like himself.

King Slim drank the potion, and to his delight, he started to grow thicker and rounder. However, there was a catch: he grew so wide that he could no longer fit through the door of his castle! King Slim was stuck and couldn't go anywhere!

King Wide saw that his friend was in trouble, so he came up with a plan. He took a skinny twig and made it straight, and then he gave it to King Slim to use as a cane. With his new cane, King Slim was able to walk straight, even though he was still very wide.

From that day on, King Slim was known as the king who walked straight and was loved by all of his subjects. And he and King Wide ruled their kingdoms together, making sure that all of their subjects were happy and healthy.

The end!


  1. How did King Slim feel about his kingdom before he met King Wide?
  2. What did King Wide give to King Slim to help him?
  3. How did King Slim change after drinking the potion?
  4. Why was King Slim known as the king who walked straight?
  5. What was the most important lesson that King Slim learned on his quest?

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