King Cool and the Penguin's Chill Solution

Once upon a time, there was a magical land where the weather was always changing. One day, the sun was shining so brightly that it was blistering hot. The king of the land, King Cool, was feeling the heat and decided to go for a swim in his royal pool.

As he was lounging in the pool, a chill suddenly came over the land and it started to get very cold. King Cool shivered and quickly got out of the pool, but he didn't have a towel to dry off with. Just then, a friendly dragon named Burning flew by and offered to warm the king up with his fiery breath. King Cool was so grateful, but soon realized that Burning's breath was a little too hot and he started to feel like he was on fire!

King Cool ran as fast as he could, but Burning chased after him, still blowing flames. The king ran and ran, until he came across a group of penguins who were huddled together to stay warm in the freezing weather. King Cool asked the penguins for help, and they came up with a brilliant plan. They told Burning to blow his flames at a nearby ice-covered lake, which would turn the ice into steam and create a warm mist.

King Cool was skeptical at first, but he decided to give it a try. To his surprise, the mist was just the right temperature and he was finally able to dry off and warm up. From that day on, King Cool always remembered the penguins' clever solution and he was never too hot or too cold again.

The end.


  1. What was King Cool's problem at the beginning of the story?
  2. How did Burning the dragon help King Cool?
  3. Why did King Cool start to feel like he was on fire?
  4. How did the penguins help King Cool in the end?
  5. What did King Cool learn from this experience?
  6. Do you think King Cool was grateful to the penguins for their help? Why or why not?
  7. Have you ever experienced weather that was too hot or too cold? How did you solve the problem?

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