The Adventure of the Seven Flavors: A Tale of Tastiness

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived seven food flavors named Tangy, Sweet, Sour, Salty, Plain, Spicy, and Savory. They lived together in a big kingdom called the Flavor Land.

One day, the King of Flavor Land announced that the bravest and the most adventurous flavor among them would be crowned as the King of Taste. This news spread like wildfire and all the flavors were very excited about the competition.

Tangy was the first to step up to the challenge. He climbed up a tall, sour lemon tree and balanced on a branch while eating the sour lemons. The other flavors cheered him on, but he was soon defeated by Sour who ate a whole basket of sour fruits without making a face.

Next up was Sweet. She danced on a bed of sugar while eating candies. But she was soon beaten by Salty who swam in a pool of salt water while eating salty crackers.

Plain was up next. He tried to impress the flavors by showing his versatility by eating any type of food without making a face. But he was no match for Spicy who ate a bowl of spicy noodles and drank a cup of hot sauce.

Finally, it was Savory's turn. He cooked a delicious stew with all the flavors - tangy, sweet, sour, salty, plain, and spicy. All the flavors were so impressed with Savory's cooking skills that they declared him the King of Taste.

From that day on, Savory ruled the Flavor Land with kindness and fairness. He made sure that every flavor was treated equally and got the recognition it deserved.

And that's the story of how Savory became the King of Taste in Flavor Land. The End.


  1. Who became the King of Taste in Flavor Land and why?
  2. Who was the first flavor to take part in the competition to become the King of Taste?
  3. What did Spicy do to impress the other flavors?
  4. How did Savory win the competition to become the King of Taste?
  5. What did Savory do as the King of Taste?
  6. Which flavor was your favorite and why?
  7. If you were a flavor, which one would you like to be and why?

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