The Joke Competition: A Tale of Laughter and Friendship

Once upon a time, in a magical land called Laughterton, there lived numerous funny creatures. One of these creatures was a little monster named Giggle. Giggle loved to laugh and make others laugh. He had a big heart and a big belly that jiggled with every giggle.

One day, Giggle was feeling a bit down. He had told every joke he knew and no one seemed to be laughing. He wandered through the village feeling sad and lonely. That's when he stumbled upon another monster named Silly.

Silly was a very serious monster and never laughed. Giggle thought, "Maybe I can make Silly laugh and that will make me feel better." So, he approached Silly and told him a joke. Silly didn't even crack a smile. Giggle tried a few more jokes, but still no luck.

Just when Giggle was about to give up, he had an idea. He said to Silly, "Let's have a joke competition. I'll tell you a joke and if you don't laugh, you tell me a joke. And we'll keep going until one of us laughs."

Silly agreed to the competition and they began. Giggle told joke after joke, but Silly remained serious. Then, it was Silly's turn to tell a joke. He thought for a moment and then said, "Why did the tomato turn red?" Giggle replied, "I don't know, why?" Silly said, "Because it saw the salad dressing!"

Giggle burst out laughing and his big belly jiggled with each laugh. Silly couldn't help but laugh along with Giggle. From that day on, the two monsters were the best of friends and had numerous silly joke competitions. They found that each joke was better when shared with a friend.

And so, the moral of the story is, laughter is always better when shared with another, and sometimes all it takes is a joke from a friend to turn a frown upside down.


  1. Who is Giggle and what does he love to do?
  2. Who did Giggle meet in the village and why did he approach him?
  3. What was the joke competition about?
  4. Who won the joke competition?
  5. What did Giggle and Silly learn from the joke competition?
  6. What was the moral of the story?
  7. Do you think it's important to make others laugh? Why or why not?
  8. Can you think of a joke to share with your friends or family?
  9. Who do you think would be a good partner to have a joke competition with?
  10. What can we learn about friendship from Giggle and Silly's story?

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