Angles in Harmony: The Central Park Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a small town called Angleville. The town was known for its peculiar citizens, who were all named after different types of angles. There was Acute Angle, who was always sharp and quick-witted, Adjacent Angle, who was always next to his friends, and Collinear Angle, who loved to line up with others.

One day, the central park of Angleville was in need of a new composite statue to be built in the middle of it. The town council decided to choose one angle to design the statue. To make it fair, they decided to alternate between the angles each year to see who could come up with the best design.

The first year, it was Acute Angle's turn. He came up with the most creative and unique statue ever seen in Angleville. It was an enormous statue of a bird with an acute beak and sharp wings. The town was amazed by its beauty and originality.

The following year, it was Adjacent Angle's turn. He wanted to make something even more impressive than Acute Angle's statue. He came up with a plan to build two statues that were adjacent to each other and together formed a giant flower. It was a beautiful sight to see.

The next year, it was Collinear Angle's turn. He decided to build a statue that was collinear with the other two statues. He built a statue of a sun that was aligned with the bird and flower statues. It was a brilliant idea that made the central park look even more amazing.

However, the fourth year, something peculiar happened. It was a coincident that all three angles had the same idea. They all wanted to build a statue of a tree that was central to the park. The town council was in a pickle because they couldn't choose who to give the job to.

Finally, they came up with a solution. They decided to build all three statues together in the central park, making the park even more beautiful and unique. From then on, every year, a new angle would add to the statue and make it even more amazing.

The end.

Moral of the story: When people work together, they can create something greater and more beautiful than when they work alone.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story and what are their names?
  2. Why did the town council alternate who would design the statue in the central park each year?
  3. What did each of the angles design for the central park statue?
  4. How did the angles solve the problem of having the same idea for the statue in the fourth year?
  5. What was the moral of the story?
  6. Which angle's design was your favorite and why?
  7. How would you add to the central park statue if you were an angle in Angleville?
  8. Why do you think it was important for the angles to work together in creating the central park statue?

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