The Adventures of Right: A Square's Journey to Finding His Unique Angle

Once upon a time, in a land of geometric shapes, there was a square named Regular. Regular was always proud of his name, as he was the most regular square in the whole kingdom. One day, he heard about a great party that was happening in the parallel world and he decided to attend.

Regular took a trip through the portal to the parallel world and was amazed by what he saw. The shapes there were similar but not exactly the same as in his world. He was welcomed by a group of rectangles who were having a good time.

Regular was having a great time until he saw a perpendicular line named Vertical. Vertical was very different from the other shapes and he seemed to be always making the others laugh. Regular didn't understand what was so funny about Vertical and decided to ask.

Vertical explained that he was the only perpendicular line in the parallel world and that made him unique. Regular was envious of Vertical and wished he could be unique too. Vertical then told Regular that he could be unique too, all he had to do was change his name.

Regular thought about it and decided to change his name to Right. The name fit him perfectly because he was a right angle square. Everyone loved his new name and Right was having a great time at the party.

The party continued late into the night, and Right had the time of his life. He was no longer just a regular square, he was now Right, the square with a new angle on life. From that day on, Right was known as the square with the best sense of humor in the parallel world.

The moral of the story is that it's important to embrace our differences and find joy in what makes us unique.


  1. Why did Regular change his name to Right?
  2. What made Vertical unique in the parallel world?
  3. How did Right feel about his new name?
  4. What was the moral of the story?
  5. Why was Right known as the square with the best sense of humor in the parallel world?
  6. How did Regular feel about Vertical at first?
  7. Why was Regular envious of Vertical?
  8. Why was the party happening in the parallel world?
  9. How did the rectangles in the parallel world react to Right's new name?
  10. Why did Right have the time of his life at the party?

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