Curvy the Carpenter: Saving Squareville with a Bucket of Mud

Once upon a time, there was a little town called Squareville. All the buildings in Squareville were square, and all the doors and windows were straight and boring. One day, a new carpenter named Curvy moved to Squareville and started building houses with rounded doors and windows.

Everyone in Squareville was amazed by Curvy's houses. They had chamfered corners, flush windows, and beveled edges. The townspeople couldn't believe how beautiful and unique Curvy's houses were. They wanted to learn how to build houses like Curvy's, so they asked him to teach them.

Curvy was happy to share his knowledge, so he started a carpentry school in Squareville. He taught the townspeople how to make coped joints, flash their roofs, and use a level. They worked hard and learned quickly.

One day, while they were building a house, they realized they had run out of wood. Curvy went to the nearest store to buy more, but when he came back, he found that the house was on fire! The townspeople had used an inflammable glue to hold the pieces of wood together, and it had caught fire.

Curvy quickly came up with a solution. He grabbed a bucket of water and started pouring it on the fire. But instead of putting out the fire, it made the flames grow higher!

The townspeople were in a panic, but Curvy didn't give up. He grabbed a bucket of mud and started spreading it on the fire. To everyone's surprise, the mud put out the fire!

From that day on, Curvy was known as the hero of Squareville. The townspeople continued to build beautiful and unique houses, but they always made sure to use safe materials and techniques. And whenever they saw a fire, they knew exactly what to do – grab a bucket of mud!

The End.


  1. What was special about the houses that Curvy built in Squareville?
  2. How did Curvy become the hero of Squareville?
  3. What material did Curvy use to put out the fire in Squareville?
  4. What did the townspeople learn from Curvy about building houses?
  5. What can you learn from this story about being creative and resourceful?

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