Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there lived a kind and gentle king named King Bright. King Bright loved all things bright, colorful, and brilliant, and so did all the people of his kingdom.
One day, King Bright woke up to find that all the colors in his kingdom had faded and turned drab and dull. The once-burning sun was now only a mere flicker, and the once-blazing flowers were now just a memory of their former glory.
King Bright was worried and called upon all the artists in his kingdom to come to the palace. "We must bring back the colors!" he declared. The artists tried their best, but no matter what they did, the colors just wouldn't come back.
King Bright was at his wit's end, until a little girl named Clean walked into the palace. Clean was known for her sparkling personality and her love of all things clean and tidy. King Bright asked Clean if she could help bring back the colors.
Clean thought for a moment and then had an idea. "Your Highness, I have an idea! We can use the light of the stars to bring back the colors!" And so, King Bright and Clean went outside on a dark night and gazed up at the stars. They were blazing with color!
King Bright and Clean collected as many stars as they could and brought them back to the kingdom. They placed the stars all over the kingdom, and just like that, the colors came back! The sun was burning bright again, the flowers were blazing with color, and the kingdom was once again a beautiful and brilliant place.
King Bright and Clean were hailed as heroes, and from that day on, the kingdom was never dull again. The end.
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