The Lively Adventure of a Glum Penguin: A Journey to Happiness

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a glum penguin named Percy. Percy lived in an icy kingdom and was always unhappy and grumpy. No one could make him smile, not even the jovial polar bears or the lively penguin band.

One day, a jolly reindeer named Rudolph stumbled upon Percy and asked, "Why are you so glum, my friend?" Percy simply replied, "I hate the cold and I'm just not a happy penguin."

Rudolph was a kind reindeer and he didn't like seeing anyone unhappy. He had an idea to cheer up Percy and invited him to join him and his friends on a journey to the North Pole. Percy was hesitant at first, but eventually agreed to go along.

As they traveled, they met all sorts of creatures, including a lively seal who loved to dance and a jovial walrus who told the funniest jokes. Percy was having so much fun that he finally let go of his grumpiness and started to smile and laugh.

But their journey wasn't over yet. Suddenly, they encountered an angry arctic fox who was livid about something. The fox was about to attack them when Percy bravely stepped forward and made a silly face, making the fox laugh instead of attack.

From that day on, Percy was no longer a glum penguin. He was happy and cheerful, and everyone who met him couldn't help but smile too. Percy was grateful to Rudolph and the other creatures for showing him how to find joy in life, even in the middle of the icy kingdom.

And they all lived happily ever after, spreading joy and laughter wherever they went.


  1. What was Percy the penguin's initial mood in the story?
  2. Who helped Percy become a happy penguin?
  3. How did Percy save the group from the angry arctic fox?
  4. What did Percy learn about joy and happiness on his journey?
  5. What happened to Percy after he became a happy penguin?
  6. Can you think of a time when you felt glum like Percy, but then became happy?
  7. Who or what do you think was the most important character in helping Percy become happy?
  8. How can you bring joy and happiness to those around you, just like the creatures in the story?

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