Once upon a time, there was a curious little fox named Felix. Felix loved to explore and find new things. One day, he came across a big box in the forest. He was so excited to see what was inside!
He opened the box and found a beautiful xylophone. Felix had never seen anything like it before. He started to play with the xylophone, but he noticed that every time he hit a key, an x-ray appeared! He was amazed!
Felix decided to show his friends, the oxen, what he had found. The oxen were also amazed by the xylophone and the x-rays. They asked Felix where he had found it and Felix showed them the box.
The oxen were very strong, so they helped Felix carry the box back to their village. When they arrived, they all gathered around to watch Felix play the xylophone. The x-rays were so cool and everyone was having so much fun.
After the performance, Felix decided to keep the xylophone and the box safe in his den. He was so happy to have found such a special treasure. From that day on, Felix was known as the xylophone player of the forest and everyone loved to listen to him play.
The end.
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