Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a group of mechanical creatures who loved to race each other. They were called the Auto-beasts, and each one was made up of different parts that worked together to make them go fast.
One day, the Auto-beasts were getting ready for a big race when they noticed that one of their friends, a little car named Zoom, was not feeling very well. Zoom had a problem with his transmission, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to go as fast as the other Auto-beasts.
The other Auto-beasts didn't want Zoom to miss out on the race, so they set out to help him. They checked his sensor, his rack, and his radiator, but nothing seemed to be wrong. Suddenly, one of the Auto-beasts, a wise old truck named Rusty, had an idea.
"I think Zoom's rotor might be the problem," Rusty said. "Maybe it's not spinning fast enough."
The other Auto-beasts quickly checked the rotor, and sure enough, it was just a bit sluggish. They used a special switch to speed it up, and Zoom immediately felt better. But their work wasn't done yet.
Next, they looked at Zoom's valves, which were a bit clogged. They cleaned them out, and Zoom was feeling even better! The Auto-beasts were so proud of themselves for helping Zoom that they decided to give him a special upgrade to make sure he would be able to race to the finish line.
They took one of the wheels from an old bike that was lying around, and put it on Zoom's back. They also added a strut to keep him steady, and a starter so he could go on his own. And with that, Zoom was ready to race!
The race began, and the Auto-beasts were off! Zoom was right in the middle of the pack, feeling confident and fast. Suddenly, one of the other racers hit a bump in the road, and their wheel came flying off! Zoom was so fast that he was able to dodge the flying wheel and zoom ahead to take the lead!
The other Auto-beasts were cheering him on, and Zoom was feeling so proud of himself. He crossed the finish line first, and the other Auto-beasts lifted him up on their shoulders and cheered for him.
From that day on, Zoom was known as the fastest and bravest Auto-beast of them all. And every time they raced, he always thought of his friends who helped him when he needed it most.
The End.
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