The Tallest Tree in the Forest: A Tale of Friendship and Growth

Once upon a time in a forest far far away, there lived 10 different types of trees - bamboo, birch, maple, hickory, beech, cedar, mahogany, fir, cocobolo, ash and cherry.

These trees lived together and were best of friends, but they had one problem - they all wanted to be the tallest and strongest tree in the forest.

One day, they all decided to have a competition to see who could grow the tallest in just one year. The winner would be declared the strongest and tallest tree in the forest.

The competition started and every day, all the trees worked hard to grow taller and stronger. Bamboo tried to stretch as much as he could, birch tried to stand as straight as an arrow, maple tried to spread his branches wide, and hickory tried to grow thicker and stronger.

As the months passed by, the competition was getting tight. The beech tree was getting taller, the cedar was getting thicker, and mahogany was getting stronger.

But, just when they thought they had the competition in the bag, the youngest tree in the forest - acacia - surprised everyone by growing taller than all of them!

The other trees were amazed and couldn't believe it. How could a young tree like acacia become the tallest tree in just one year?

The secret was soon revealed when acacia confessed that every night, he would ask the wind to help him grow taller and stronger. The wind was so happy to help that it blew with all its might every night, helping acacia grow taller than all the other trees in the forest.

And so, acacia was declared the tallest and strongest tree in the forest, and all the other trees cheered and celebrated with him. From that day on, they all learned to work together and help each other grow taller and stronger.

The end.


  1. Who won the competition to become the tallest tree in the forest?
  2. How did acacia become the tallest tree in just one year?
  3. What did the other trees learn from the competition?
  4. How did the trees help each other grow taller and stronger?
  5. What did acacia do every night to become the tallest tree?
  6. How did the wind help acacia grow taller?
  7. Why was the competition important to the trees in the forest?

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