Swabby the Swell Tugboat: A Hero's Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little tugboat named Swabby. Swabby lived in a busy harbor and loved to help bigger ships come and go. He was always eager to do a good job and was known for his cheerful "swell" personality.

One day, Swabby received an important mission. A big tanker had run aground, and Swabby was the only tugboat available to help. He set off towards the tanker, full of excitement. But as he got closer, he realized the tanker was stuck fast and wasn't going to budge easily.

Swabby tried everything he could think of, but nothing worked. He was just about to head back to the harbor and report that he had failed when he remembered a trick his dad had taught him. "If all else fails, try a little more trim," his dad had said.

So, Swabby trimmed his stern, adjusted his turbine, and set off once again towards the tanker. This time, as he pulled, he felt the tanker start to move. With a great effort, Swabby managed to free the tanker and guide it safely to the nearest fuel station.

The tanker's captain was so grateful that he gave Swabby a shiny new tincan to thank him. Swabby was thrilled with his reward and quickly set off to show it to his friends.

As he chugged along, he saw a truck that had become stuck on the tracks. The truck driver was having a terrible time trying to get it unstuck. Swabby thought for a moment and then had an idea. He filled his tincan with water and used it to weigh down the back of the truck. The extra weight was just what the truck needed to get back on the track, and the driver was overjoyed.

Swabby was a hero, and his "swell" personality and quick thinking had saved the day. From that day on, everyone in the harbor knew that if there was a problem, Swabby was the tugboat to call. And Swabby continued to help and make everyone laugh with his silly antics, always making sure that everyone was in "swell" spirits.


  1. What was Swabby's mission when he set off to help the tanker?
  2. How did Swabby free the tanker that was stuck?
  3. What did the tanker captain give Swabby as a reward?
  4. What problem did Swabby help solve for the truck driver?
  5. What made Swabby a hero in the eyes of everyone in the harbor?
  6. What is the lesson you learned from this story?
  7. How do you think Swabby felt when he completed his mission?
  8. How can you be like Swabby and help others in need?

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