The Ultimate Sports Day Adventure

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a group of friends who loved to play different sports. There was a tennis player named Tom, a triathlete named Tim, a target shooter named Tammy, a tag player named Ted, a tie collector named Tina, and an umpire named Uncle Mike.

One day, they decided to have a sports day competition. They invited their friend, a surfer named Sam, to join in the fun. The rules were simple, they had to play each sport and whoever had the most points at the end, would win a big trophy.

The competition started with tennis, and Tom was doing great! He hit every ball over the net and Uncle Mike was keeping a close eye to make sure everything was fair. Tim was up next, and he was amazing in the triathlon! He ran, biked and swam like a pro. Tammy was next and she hit every target with her throw.

It was Ted's turn to play tag and he was so fast, no one could catch him! Tina was up next, and she showed off her collection of ties, each one more colorful and unique than the next. Uncle Mike was the umpire for all the sports, and he made sure everything was done by the rules.

Finally, it was time for Sam the surfer to show off his skills. He grabbed his surfboard and headed to the water. The waves were big and the wind was blowing, but Sam was fearless. He surfed like a champion, making big jumps and doing cool tricks.

When all the sports were done, they counted up the points and everyone was amazed to see that Sam the surfer had won the competition! He had won the big trophy and everyone cheered for him.

The friends all hugged each other and said, "It doesn't matter who wins, what matters is that we all had fun playing sports together!" And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. Who won the sports day competition in the story?
  2. Who was the umpire in the competition?
  3. What was the surfer's name?
  4. What was Tim's sport in the competition?
  5. What did the friends learn from the sports day competition?
  6. Who had the most colorful and unique ties in the competition?
  7. What was the big trophy for?
  8. How did Sam surf in the competition?
  9. What was the name of the tennis player in the story?
  10. Was it important for the friends to win the competition? Why or why not?

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