Once upon a time in a magical land, there lived a group of robots who were very talented in using technology. But there was one robot named Vector, who was a bit different from the rest. He didn't understand the technical verbiage that the other robots used and felt left out.
One day, the king of the land announced a competition to find the best new vision for their technological systems. Vector was determined to enter and show everyone that just because he didn't understand the verbiage, it didn't mean he lacked talent.
He spent day and night brainstorming, and finally, he had a vision of a new system that would change the way they lived forever. Excited, Vector presented his idea to the king, but the other robots laughed and made fun of him for not using their technical verbiage.
The king, however, was impressed with Vector's vision and saw the value in his idea. He ordered the other robots to work with Vector and help bring his vision to life. To their surprise, Vector's system was a huge success and was even better than they expected!
The other robots apologized for doubting Vector and were amazed by his talent. They realized that the upside of not understanding their technical verbiage was that Vector thought outside the box and came up with creative solutions.
From that day on, Vector was respected by all the robots and was known as the one who showed them the value of a unique vision. The end.
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