The Buggy Adventure: Saving the Fun Tracker App

Once upon a time, there was a group of bugs who lived in a computer. They loved to play and have fun, but most of all, they loved to create new apps! One day, they decided to make a new app that would help them keep track of all the fun things they did.

They worked hard, and finally, the app was ready! It had buttons, charts, and even a cool alert system that let them know when something new had been added. The bugs were so excited to use their new creation.

However, as soon as they clicked on the app, something strange happened. The charts started to align in the wrong way, and the buttons wouldn't click. The bugs were puzzled, and so they went to investigate. They soon discovered that there was a bug in the code!

The bug was causing the charts to go haywire, and the buttons wouldn't work. The bugs quickly got to work, trying to fix the bug. They tried everything they could think of, but nothing seemed to work.

Just when they were about to give up, a clever bug had an idea. He suggested they add a buffer to the code. A buffer is like a cushion that helps protect the rest of the code from problems.

The bugs followed his advice, and they added a buffer to the code. They clicked on the app again, and to their delight, everything worked perfectly! The charts aligned just right, the buttons clicked, and the alert system was sending out alerts left and right.

The bugs were so happy with their new app that they threw a big party to celebrate. They danced, sang, and had a blast. And from that day forward, the app became the go-to source for all the fun things they did.

The end.


  1. What was the purpose of the app that the bugs made?
  2. What happened when the bugs first tried to use their app?
  3. How did the clever bug fix the problem with the app?
  4. What did the bugs do to celebrate their success with the app?
  5. What did you learn about problem-solving from the story?

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