The Adventure of the Typing Sheet

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Emily. She loved spending time on her bed, playing on her computer and cuddling with her pillow. One day, she was so engrossed in her computer game that she didn't realize it was already bedtime.

She got into bed and snuggled under her cozy quilt. As she was about to drift off to sleep, she heard a strange noise coming from her computer. She sat up and saw that the keyboard was typing all by itself!

Emily rubbed her eyes, thinking she was just tired. But when she looked again, the keyboard was still typing away! She was so curious that she got out of bed and went over to her computer.

To her surprise, she saw that the sheet on her bed had come to life and was controlling the keyboard! The sheet explained that it was tired of just lying on the bed all day and wanted to have some fun.

Emily and the sheet had a great time playing games on the computer together. They laughed and giggled until they both got tired. Emily got back into bed and the sheet went back to being a regular sheet.

As she drifted off to sleep, Emily couldn't help but smile. She had never had so much fun with a sheet before! The next morning, she woke up to find that it was all just a dream. But she never forgot the silly adventure she had with her bed sheet.

The end.


  1. What was Emily doing when she heard the strange noise coming from her computer?
  2. What did Emily see when she went over to her computer?
  3. What did the sheet explain to Emily?
  4. How did Emily and the sheet have fun together?
  5. Was the adventure with the sheet real or just a dream?
  6. How did Emily feel about the adventure with the sheet?
  7. Do you think you would have fun playing games with a sheet that came to life? Why or why not?

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