Max and the Butterfly's Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Tom who lived on a farm with his cows and his dachshund, Max. Max loved to play with the cows and chase butterflies in the fields.

One day, while Tom was milking the cows in the stable, Max saw a butterfly fly by and chased after it. The butterfly led Max to a small bird that had gotten its wing caught in some weeds. Max barked to get Tom's attention, and Tom came running over to see what was going on.

Together, Tom and Max carefully freed the bird from the weeds, and the bird flew away, grateful for their help. The butterfly also stayed nearby, fluttering its wings in thanks.

From that day on, Max and the cows had a new friend in the bird, and they all played together in the fields, with the butterfly always nearby. And whenever Max saw a butterfly, he thought of his new friend and how they had helped each other.

The end.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. Who does Max chase in the fields?
  3. What did Max and the farmer do to help the bird?
  4. Who became friends with Max and the cows after they helped the bird?
  5. What happened to the butterfly in the story?
  6. What did Max think of whenever he saw a butterfly?

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