Lila's Home Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lila who lived in a rowhouse in the city. She loved to play and imagine, and often dreamt of living in all sorts of different homes.

One day, Lila decided she wanted to go on a journey to visit all the different types of homes she could think of. She packed a bag and set off, first stopping at a studio apartment. It was small, but cozy, and she loved the big windows that let in lots of light.

Next, Lila went camping and stayed in a tent. It was lots of fun, but also a little bit scary at night when she heard strange noises outside.

After camping, Lila visited a ranch. It was big and sprawling, with cows and horses roaming the fields. She loved playing with the animals and imagining she was a cowgirl.

Lila also stopped at a tenement, which was a big building filled with many small apartments. It was a little bit cramped, but she was happy to see so many people living together and having fun.

Next, Lila visited a beautiful townhouse in the city. It was tall and elegant, with fancy furnishings and a big yard. She loved exploring every room and pretending she lived there.

Finally, Lila visited a grand mansion on a hill. It was huge and magnificent, with a sweeping staircase and chandeliers. But as she was exploring, she heard a strange noise coming from the basement. When she went to investigate, she found a tiny shack built inside the mansion. To her surprise, she discovered that the shack was actually home to a family of mice who were using the big mansion as their playground.

Lila had a lot of fun playing with the mice and exploring their shack. And when it was time to go home, she realized that no matter what kind of home she lived in, it was the people and the memories she made that made it special.

The end.


  1. Where did Lila live at the beginning of the story?
  2. What did Lila pack for her journey to visit different homes?
  3. What was Lila's favorite home she visited and why?
  4. What did Lila discover in the basement of the mansion?
  5. What did Lila realize about what makes a house a home at the end of the story?
  6. Can you think of a time when you felt at home in a place that wasn't your own home?
  7. What can you do to make a new place feel like home?

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