The Angel of Contentment and the Capitalist's Lesson

Once upon a time, in a magical land filled with clouds, there lived a wealthy capitalist named Max. Max was always on the lookout for new acquisitions to increase his capital. One day, while flying in his private cloud, Max spotted a beautiful angel.

Excited at the prospect of acquiring such a magnificent creature, Max flew down to meet the angel. But as soon as he got close, the angel started to burn with a bright light!

Max was taken aback and asked the angel, "Why are you burning like that?"

The angel replied, "I am not just any ordinary angel, I am the angel of contentment. And you, Max, are in need of some serious acceleration in your life."

Max was puzzled. "Acceleration? What do you mean?" he asked.

The angel explained, "You've been so focused on acquiring more and more, that you've forgotten to enjoy the simple things in life. That's why I am here to help you experience a beta version of happiness."

And with that, the angel flew away, leaving Max to ponder her words.

From that day on, Max changed his ways. He started to appreciate the little things in life, like playing with his dog, watching the sunset, and sharing laughs with friends. And with each passing day, he felt a warmth inside that he had never felt before.

Max realized that true wealth and happiness couldn't be acquired through capital, but rather through contentment and love. And he lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What was the capitalist's main focus before he met the angel of contentment?
  2. How did the angel help the capitalist change his ways?
  3. What did the capitalist realize about wealth and happiness?
  4. Can you think of a time when you learned an important lesson, similar to the one the capitalist learned in the story?
  5. How did the story make you feel?
  6. What is one thing you can do to experience more contentment in your life?

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