The Prince and the Option Emporium

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a young prince named Pitch. He lived in a grand castle and had everything he could ever want, except for one thing - a mobile! You see, all the other kids in the kingdom had the latest and greatest mobile models, but poor Prince Pitch was stuck with an outdated, clunky one.

One day, while browsing the market for a new mobile, Prince Pitch stumbled upon a strange shop. It was called the "Option Emporium" and it was filled with all sorts of odd and unusual options. The shopkeeper, a wise old wizard, offered the prince a deal he couldn't refuse. He said that for just one iteration of his trusty old mobile, the prince could have a brand-new, top-of-the-line model, with all the latest bells and whistles.

Excited beyond words, Prince Pitch eagerly handed over his old mobile and took possession of his new one. He couldn't wait to show it off to all his friends! But as he was leaving the shop, the wizard warned him, "Beware, young prince. You must stick to the plan, or you may face liquidation!"

Puzzled, Prince Pitch asked what the wizard meant, but the shopkeeper just chuckled and disappeared into thin air.

Determined to stick to the plan and avoid any kind of liquidation, Prince Pitch made a list of all the things he was and wasn't allowed to do with his new mobile. He was especially careful not to go against his personal preference and use his new mobile for anything other than making calls and sending messages.

Days went by and everything was going well. But then one day, Prince Pitch got a bit carried away. He started using his mobile for all sorts of things - playing games, listening to music, and even making silly videos! Before he knew it, he had forgotten all about the plan and was breaking all the rules.

Suddenly, a loud voice boomed from the sky, "Prince Pitch, you have failed to stick to the plan and must now face liquidation!"

Terrified, Prince Pitch braced himself for the worst. But to his surprise, the voice continued, "Just kidding! Your punishment for breaking the rules is to complete one final round of the royal obstacle course. If you can do it successfully, you can keep your new mobile for good!"

Overjoyed, Prince Pitch raced to the obstacle course and, with determination and a bit of luck, he managed to complete it with flying colors. He was crowned the winner and proudly kept his new mobile as a prize.

From that day on, Prince Pitch learned to stick to the plan and never take his new mobile for granted. And he lived happily ever after, playing games, sending messages, and making silly videos to his heart's content.

The end.


  1. What did Prince Pitch want more than anything else?
  2. What did the wizard offer Prince Pitch at the Option Emporium?
  3. What was Prince Pitch warned about before he left the shop?
  4. What did Prince Pitch have to do to keep his new mobile?
  5. What did Prince Pitch learn by the end of the story?
  6. Why do you think the wizard warned Prince Pitch about liquidation?
  7. How do you think Prince Pitch felt when he heard the voice from the sky?
  8. Why do you think it's important to stick to a plan or follow rules?
  9. If you were in Prince Pitch's place, what would you have done differently?
  10. Can you think of any other challenges Prince Pitch might have faced in the obstacle course?

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