The Adventures of Digraph: Solving the Mystery of the Configuration

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Digraph. Digraph loved to dig and explore the depths of the earth. One day, while he was digging, he found a strange configuration of rocks. He was curious about this configuration and decided to cut through the rocks to see what was inside.

As he cut through the rocks, he noticed that each rock had a degree and was connected to the other rocks with a conjunction. He was amazed at what he saw and decided to explore further.

Digraph started to move the rocks around to form a deque, which is a fancy word for a line. He arranged the rocks in a dictionary, which is a fancy word for an order. As he was arranging the rocks, he noticed that they formed a circle, which is called a cycle. He also noticed that the diameter of the circle was getting smaller and smaller.

Digraph was getting worried and didn't know what to do. Suddenly, he remembered something he learned in school about distance. He measured the distance between the rocks and realized that if he rearranged the rocks in a different configuration, the diameter would increase.

So, Digraph started moving the rocks around again, this time in a different configuration. And lo and behold, the diameter increased, and the cycle was no longer getting smaller.

Digraph was so proud of himself for solving the mystery of the configuration of rocks. He learned that day that sometimes you just have to think outside of the box and use your knowledge to solve problems.

The end.


  1. What is Digraph's favorite hobby?
  2. What did Digraph find while he was digging?
  3. What did Digraph notice about the rocks in the configuration?
  4. What did Digraph do to solve the mystery of the configuration?
  5. What did Digraph learn from his adventure?
  6. Can you think of a time when you had to think outside the box to solve a problem?
  7. What is a deque and a dictionary?
  8. What is the difference between diameter and

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