Snickers the Squirrel and the Tale of the Tail Trie

Once upon a time, there was a little squirrel named Snickers. Snickers was a very active and adventurous squirrel who loved to explore the forest. One day, while he was playing in the forest, he heard that a big tournament was going to be held in the clearing. All the animals in the forest were going to participate in this tournament.

Snickers was very excited about this tournament and wanted to participate in it. He asked his best friend, a rabbit named Thumper, about the tournament. Thumper told him that the tournament was a weightlifting competition, and the winner would be the animal with the heaviest tail. Snickers was shocked because he didn't have a very heavy tail.

So, Snickers went to the library in the forest to get some ideas on how to make his tail heavier. There, he found a book about the science of weightlifting, and he learned about a concept called the "center of gravity." Snickers discovered that by attaching a weight to the vertex of his tail, he could make it appear heavier.

Snickers was very excited and went to the blacksmith in the forest to get a weight made. The blacksmith made him a beautiful tail weight, shaped like a tree. Snickers was over the moon and went straight to the tournament.

When he arrived at the tournament, all the other animals were shocked to see Snickers with a tail weight. They didn't understand how he had made his tail appear so heavy. Snickers explained the concept of the center of gravity to them, and all the animals were impressed.

The tournament started, and all the animals were lifting their tails. But Snickers was the clear winner! His tail appeared to be the heaviest of all. The other animals were amazed and wanted to know how he had done it. Snickers proudly showed them his tail weight and explained the science behind it.

The animals were so impressed that they decided to form a union and call it the "Tail Weightlifting Union." They held tournaments every year, and Snickers was always the winner. He was very happy and loved his new heavy tail, which he called a "Tail Trie."

From that day on, Snickers was known as the champion of the Tail Weightlifting Union, and all the animals in the forest respected him for his intelligence and creativity. He lived happily ever after, lifting his tail and looking out of his window, watching the world go by.


  1. What was the tournament about in the story?
  2. How did Snickers make his tail appear heavier?
  3. What did Snickers name his heavy tail?
  4. What did the animals in the forest decide to form after the tournament?
  5. How did Snickers become known in the forest?
  6. Why was Snickers happy with his new heavy tail?
  7. What did Snickers do every day while looking out of his window?
  8. Do you think Snickers will always be the champion of the Tail Weightlifting Union? Why or why not?

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