The Fruity Dance Party

Once upon a time, there was a group of fruits who lived in a big fruit basket in the kitchen. One day, they decided to have a party to celebrate the arrival of summer. The fruits were all excited and started to prepare for the big day.

Grape, who was in charge of the decorations, suggested that they should have a fruit salad bar for the party. Melon, who loved to dance, agreed and said that they should have a dance floor for the fruits to shake their stems. Lemon, who was always sour, said that he would bring the lemonade for the party.

Kiwi, who was the adventurous one, said that he would go out and bring back a surprise for the party. He went out into the garden and came back with a big basket of mangoes, limes, and guavas.

The fruits were all excited to try the new fruits. Mango, who was the sweetest fruit in the basket, suggested that they try a new fruit dance. They all agreed and started to dance to the beat of the music.

Lime, who was always full of energy, started to spin and twirl, while Guava, who was always a little bit shy, was jumping up and down. Kiwi, who was the most creative of all, came up with a new dance move and showed it to the rest of the fruits. It was called the "Fruit Twist."

The party was a huge success and the fruits all had a great time. They all agreed that it was the best party ever, and that they should have more parties like this in the future.

And that's the story of the fun and fruity party in the kitchen. The end.


  1. Who was in charge of the decorations for the fruit party?
  2. Who brought the lemonade to the party?
  3. Who went out to get a surprise for the party?
  4. What was the name of the new fruit dance that Kiwi came up with?
  5. Who was the sweetest fruit in the basket?
  6. What was the outcome of the party?
  7. Do you think the fruits should have more parties like this in the future? Why or why not?

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