The DJ Raisin Rocks the Fruit Party

Once upon a time, in a magical fruit kingdom, all the fruits were living together in harmony. There was a raisin, a raspberry, a tangerine, a pear, a prune, a plum, and a pineapple.

One day, the king of the kingdom, King Banana, declared a big fruit party to celebrate the arrival of summer. All the fruits were excited to attend the party and show off their best moves on the dance floor.

But there was one fruit who wasn't too happy about the party, the raisin. The raisin thought that he was too old and wrinkly to dance and have fun. So, he decided to sit out the party and watch from the sidelines.

The raspberry, who was the life of the party, noticed the sad raisin and decided to cheer him up. She said, "Hey raisin, why don't you join us and have some fun?" But the raisin replied, "I'm just a wrinkly old fruit, I don't belong on the dance floor."

The raspberry, being the clever fruit she was, had a brilliant idea. She told the raisin, "Why don't you be the DJ instead? You can pick the music and control the beat!" The raisin, who loved music, was overjoyed with the idea.

The party began and all the fruits were dancing and having a blast. But the raisin, who was now the DJ, was playing the most amazing music, everyone was amazed at how great a DJ he was. The tangerine was doing the tango, the pear was shaking his hips, the prune was breakdancing, the plum was twirling, and the pineapple was doing the hula.

All of a sudden, the music stopped and everyone turned to the raisin. The raisin announced, "I may be a wrinkly old raisin, but I can still rock this party!" And with that, he started playing an even groovier beat and all the fruits danced even harder.

From that day on, the raisin was known as the coolest DJ in the fruit kingdom and he was invited to all the parties to play music and have a blast.

The end.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. What was the main problem the raisin faced in the beginning of the story?
  3. How did the raspberry help the raisin solve his problem?
  4. What was the raisin's new role at the fruit party?
  5. How did the other fruits react to the raisin's music at the party?
  6. What happened to the raisin at the end of the story?
  7. What did you learn from this story about being confident and having fun?

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