The Builder Prince: A Tale of Mischief and Redemption

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there was a mischievous prince named Prankster. He loved to play jokes and have fun, but sometimes his jokes caused problems for the people of the kingdom.

One day, the prince heard about a new aqueduct that was being built to bring water to the kingdom. He thought it would be a great idea to play a joke on the workers building the aqueduct, so he snuck up to the construction site and caused chaos. He moved the levee, clogged up the canal, and broke the cistern.

The workers were very upset and couldn't figure out what had happened. But the prince didn't stop there. He decided to build his own bridge over the canal, but he made it so wobbly that no one could cross it without falling into the water.

The king of the kingdom heard about the prince's mischievous ways and was not happy. He ordered the prince to go and fix all the damage he had caused. The prince was worried because he had never built anything before, but he was determined to make it right.

So, he got to work. He rebuilt the levee, cleared the canal, and fixed the cistern. And for the bridge, he decided to build a dam to hold back the water. It took him a long time, but finally, everything was complete.

The workers were amazed by what the prince had done and were very grateful. The king was also pleased and decided to reward the prince for his hard work. From that day on, the prince was known as the "Builder Prince" and was no longer known for playing mischievous jokes.

And the moral of the story is: it's always better to make things right than to play jokes that can cause harm.


  1. Why did the prince play jokes on the workers building the aqueduct?
  2. How did the prince feel about having to fix all the damage he had caused?
  3. What did the prince do to rebuild the levee and clear the canal?
  4. Why was the king of the kingdom pleased with the prince's work?
  5. What did the prince learn from his experience?
  6. How did the workers feel about the prince after he had fixed all the damage?
  7. How did the prince change from the beginning of the story to the end?

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