The Battle of Bastion: When Artillery and Axes Saved the Town

Once upon a time, there was a small town called "Bastion," where all the buildings were made of stone and everything was perfectly aligned. The town had a strong defense system that included a battery of artillery guns and an axe-wielding group of soldiers.

One day, while the town was going about its usual business, they were suddenly ambushed by a group of bandits. The bandits were after the town's secret treasure, which was hidden somewhere in Bastion.

The bandits started firing their artillery guns, and the town's battery of artillery guns responded with a barrage of shots. The bandits were caught off guard by the town's quick response and strong defense, so they decided to change their plan.

They came up with a new plan to sneak into the town and search for the treasure. However, little did they know that the town had a secret base where the treasure was kept, and it was guarded by the best soldiers in the town.

The bandits tried to sneak into the base, but the soldiers were ready for them. As soon as the bandits stepped into the base, the soldiers swung their axes and chased the bandits out.

The bandits realized that they couldn't win against the strong defense of Bastion, so they decided to give up and run away. The town's people cheered and celebrated their victory, and the treasure remained safe and secure in its secret base.

From that day on, the bandits never dared to attack Bastion again, and the town continued to live in peace and alignment.

The end.


  1. What was the town of Bastion known for?
  2. Why did the bandits attack Bastion?
  3. How did the town defend itself against the ambush?
  4. Did the bandits succeed in their plan to steal the treasure?
  5. Why did the bandits never dare to attack Bastion again?
  6. What do you think the town's secret treasure was?
  7. How do you think the town of Bastion maintained its alignment?
  8. Would you have wanted to live in Bastion? Why or why not?

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