The Column Cannon Commander and the Bunker Breakout Battle

Once upon a time, there was a bunker deep in the heart of a forest. The bunker was the home of a group of soldiers led by their strict but fair commander. The soldiers were tasked with guarding the bulwark, a massive wall that protected their kingdom from invaders.

One day, the commander noticed that the cadence of the enemy army was getting closer and closer. He knew that it was time to prepare for a charge. The commander ordered the soldiers to man the cannon and get ready to defend the bulwark.

As the enemy army approached, the commander gave the signal to fire. The soldiers let loose with a barrage of cannon fire, causing the enemy army to retreat in confusion. However, the enemy soon regrouped and charged once again. This time, the commander had a plan. He ordered the soldiers to hold their fire and wait for the enemy to get closer.

Just as the enemy was about to reach the bulwark, the commander shouted, "BREAKOUT!" The soldiers burst out of the bunker and charged towards the enemy, shouting and waving their weapons in the air. The enemy army was taken by surprise and quickly retreated in fear.

The commander was hailed as a hero by the people of the kingdom, and the soldiers were praised for their bravery. From that day on, the commander was known as the "Column Cannon Commander" and was respected by all who knew him. The end.


  1. Who was the leader of the soldiers in the bunker?
  2. What was the bulwark and what was its purpose?
  3. What was the plan of the commander during the battle?
  4. How did the soldiers defend the bulwark from the enemy army?
  5. What was the nickname given to the commander after the battle?
  6. How did the people of the kingdom react to the outcome of the battle?
  7. Why do you think the commander was a fair leader?
  8. What would you have done if you were one of the soldiers in the bunker?

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