The Hard-Headed Hero: A Tale of Gun and Knife in the Front Infantry

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a small army of soldiers called the Front Infantry. They were tasked with guarding a mighty fortress that protected the kingdom from danger.

One day, the Front Infantry received a new recruit named Gun. Gun was eager to prove himself as a brave soldier, but he was also known for being a bit clumsy.

During training, Gun was assigned to a veteran soldier named Knife as his guide. Knife was not thrilled about being paired with Gun, but he had a job to do.

Together, they were practicing their melee skills with halberts (a type of polearm) when suddenly, a grenade rolled onto the battlefield! Everyone scattered, but Gun tripped and the grenade landed right at his feet.

In a split second, Gun had an idea. He picked up the grenade and threw it up into the air. The other soldiers held their breath, but Gun caught the grenade with his head!

Everyone was shocked and amazed. Knife, who had never seen such bravery, patted Gun on the back and said, "Not bad for a rookie!"

From that day on, Knife and Gun were the best of friends and continued to practice their skills at regular intervals. And whenever anyone asked Gun how he caught the grenade with his head, he simply replied, "I've got a hard head, what can I say?"

And so, the story of Gun and Knife and the grenade with the soft landing became a legend in the Front Infantry and beyond.


  1. What kind of weapon did Gun and Knife use to practice their skills in the story?
  2. How did Gun catch the grenade with his head?
  3. Why did Knife change his opinion of Gun after the incident with the grenade?
  4. What kind of person do you think Gun is based on the story? Why?
  5. If you were Gun, would you have done the same thing as him with the grenade? Why or why not?
  6. How do you think Gun and Knife's friendship impacted the rest of the Front Infantry?
  7. Do you think Gun's bravery was a good thing or a bad thing for the army? Why?
  8. What lessons can children learn from the story of Gun and Knife?

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