The Brave Warrior and the Magic Apple Torpedo

Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a brave warrior named Max. Max was famous for his bravery and his incredible skills with a sword. One day, the kingdom was invaded by an army of tanks, and Max was called upon to defend his land.

Max bravely charged forward, but he soon realized that the tanks were too powerful for him to defeat alone. He needed a plan. So, he dug a trench and waited for the tanks to come. As they approached, he suddenly shouted, "Surrender! Or face the power of my magic torpedo!"

The tanks, not knowing what a torpedo was, cautiously approached the trench. Suddenly, Max pulled out a shiny red apple and tossed it at the tanks! The tanks were so surprised that they stopped in their tracks. Max then took advantage of the moment and ran around the tanks, slashing at their wheels with his sword.

The tanks quickly realized that they were no match for Max and his magic apple torpedo, and they decided to withdraw from the battle. Max had saved the kingdom from the evil tanks and became even more famous for his bravery and cleverness.

From that day on, Max was known as the hero who defeated the tanks with a simple apple and a quick wit. And whenever anyone asked him how he did it, he would simply smile and say, "Sometimes, all you need is a little surrender and a whole lot of withdrawal!" And everyone would laugh and cheer for the brave warrior, Max.


  1. Who is Max in the story and what is he famous for?
  2. How did Max defeat the army of tanks?
  3. What was the magic apple torpedo in the story?
  4. How did Max become even more famous after defeating the tanks?
  5. Do you think you could come up with a clever plan like Max's if you were in a similar situation? Why or why not?
  6. What did you learn from this story about bravery and cleverness?

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