The Musical Adventure of the Forest Friends

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, lived a group of musical instruments. They were all good friends and loved making music together. But one day, they found out that they were going to put on a big concert for the animals in the forest.

The cymbal, bongo, bell, celesta, cello, clarinet, flute, bugle, bassoon, and gong were all very excited. But they didn't know what to play. They had never put on a concert before and they wanted it to be perfect.

So, the cymbal, who was the leader of the group, called a meeting. "Friends," he said, "we need to come up with the perfect song for our concert. What do you suggest?"

The bongo drum spoke up first. "I say we play a lively salsa beat," he said, tapping his sticks together.

But the cello shook his head. "I think we should play something classical and elegant," he said, strumming his strings.

The clarinet, who was always up for trying something new, said, "What about a jazz tune?"

The flute, who loved the idea of playing something light and airy, suggested, "How about a beautiful melody?"

The bugle, who was always eager to make a big noise, piped up, "Let's play a marching tune!"

The bassoon, who had a great sense of humor, said, "I think we should play a silly song!"

The celesta, who was known for being very creative, said, "What about a mixture of all our ideas? We could have a salsa beat, a classical tune, a jazz melody, a light and airy tune, a marching beat, and a silly song all in one!"

The cymbal clapped his cymbals together. "I like that idea! Let's do it!"

So, the group of musical instruments practiced and practiced until they had created the perfect song. On the day of the concert, they played their hearts out, and the animals in the forest loved it. The gong even made a big noise at the end to signal the end of the show.

From that day on, the musical instruments were known as the greatest musical group in the forest, and they put on a concert every year. And that's how the cymbal, bongo, bell, celesta, cello, clarinet, flute, bugle, bassoon, and gong became the stars of the forest.


  1. What was the problem that the group of musical instruments faced before the concert?

  2. Who suggested that they should play a mixture of different kinds of music for the concert?

  3. What was the reaction of the animals in the forest after the concert?

  4. Which instrument was the leader of the group of musical instruments?

  5. What was the name of the song that they played at the concert?

  6. Which musical instrument had a great sense of humor?

  7. Which musical instrument was known for being very creative?

  8. What was the signal that the gong made at the end of the show?

  9. How did the group of musical instruments become the stars of the forest?

  10. Who put on a concert every year after the first one?

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