The Great Around-the-World Race: A Tale of Friendship and Teamwork

Once upon a time, in a magical land where birds could talk, there lived a group of bird friends. There was a Cockatiel named Tony, a Chicken named Chuck, an Avocet named Avi, a Budgie named Buddy, a Cockatoo named Coco, an Albatross named Alby, a Chick named Chip, a Chickadee named Dee, and a Canary named Carla.

One day, Tony the Cockatiel had an idea for a new game. "Let's play a race!" he exclaimed. "The first bird to fly around the world wins!"

All the birds were excited and ready to take on the challenge, except for Chuck the Chicken. "I don't think I can fly that far," he said, looking down at his small wings.

"Don't worry, Chuck," said Buddy the Budgie. "We'll all help you get there. We'll carry you on our backs, one by one."

And so, the race began. Coco the Cockatoo took the first turn, carrying Chuck on his back as they flew over the ocean. Suddenly, they saw Alby the Albatross flying towards them.

"Alby, what are you doing here?" asked Coco.

"I heard about the race and wanted to join in!" said Alby. "But I need a break. Can I rest on your back for a minute?"

Coco agreed and soon, Alby was snoring loudly on his back. The other birds laughed and took turns carrying Chuck and Alby on their backs as they flew over mountains, forests, and deserts.

Finally, after many days of flying, they arrived back at the starting point. "Who won the race?" asked Tony, eager to know the winner.

But the birds realized that it wasn't about winning. They had all helped each other and had a great time together. "We all won!" they shouted, giving each other high-fives with their wings.

From that day on, the birds continued to have fun and adventure together, always remembering the lesson they learned about friendship and teamwork. And Chuck the Chicken was no longer ashamed of his small wings, for he knew that with the help of his friends, he could fly to the moon and back!


  1. Who came up with the idea for the race in the story?
  2. Who needed help flying in the race?
  3. How did the other birds help their friend fly during the race?
  4. Who won the race in the end?
  5. What lesson did the birds learn from their adventure?
  6. Do you think it's important to help others, even if it means slowing down or taking a break? Why or why not?
  7. Which bird in the story is your favorite, and why?
  8. Have you ever helped a friend in need, like the birds in the story? Tell us about it.

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