The Adventure of the Wishing Tree: A Tale of Selfless Wishes and Endless Laughter

Once upon a time, in a beautiful and lush forest, there lived a group of birds. Jay, the leader of the group, had a big heart and loved to play pranks on his friends.

One day, Jay came up with a brilliant idea to play a trick on Hawk, Heron, Kestrel, Jackdaw and Lark. He told them that he had found a magical tree that granted wishes to whoever reached the top of it.

The birds were very excited and couldn't wait to try their luck. They all flew up to the tree and started to climb. But, as soon as they got to the top, Jay revealed his prank and told them that there was no such thing as a magical tree.

The birds were a little disappointed, but Jay's contagious laughter soon had them all giggling. Just then, they heard a strange noise coming from a nearby bush. They cautiously approached the bush and found a little creature, who looked up at them and said, "Hello, I am the Guardian of the Wishing Tree."

The birds were in shock. They couldn't believe their eyes. The little creature then explained that the tree was real and that it did grant wishes. But, it only granted one wish to each bird and it had to be a selfless wish for the good of all.

Jay was the first to make a wish, and he wished for peace in the forest. Heron wished for a never-ending supply of fish for all the birds to eat. Hawk wished for strong wings for all the birds in the forest so that they could fly higher and farther. Kestrel wished for clear skies so that they could hunt better, Jackdaw wished for a plentiful supply of shiny objects, and Lark wished for a beautiful singing voice for every bird in the forest.

The Guardian granted all their wishes, and the birds lived happily ever after, playing pranks and making wishes in the lush and magical forest.

The End.


  1. What was Jay's initial plan for his bird friends?
  2. What happened when the birds reached the top of the tree?
  3. Who was the Guardian of the Wishing Tree?
  4. What did each bird wish for?
  5. Why were the wishes selfless?
  6. How did the birds feel at the end of the story?
  7. Which bird's wish would you like to have come true for you?
  8. What is the moral of the story?
  9. Can you think of a selfless wish you would make if you had the chance?
  10. How do you think the forest would be different if the wishes had not been granted?

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