Chirpy the Cricket and the Magic Damper: A Fun-Filled Course in Cricket

Once upon a time, in a land filled with funny creatures, there was a cricket named Chirpy. Chirpy lived in a beautiful house with a cornice on the roof and a dado around the walls. He loved to sing and play his violin, but one day he noticed something strange. Drops of water were falling from the ceiling and the walls!

Chirpy investigated the matter and discovered that the problem was due to condensation. He had heard that a damper could help regulate the moisture in the air, so he set out on a journey to find one. He searched high and low, and finally, he stumbled upon a magical shop that sold dampers.

Excited to solve his problem, Chirpy purchased the damper and brought it back to his home. He carefully installed it in the conduit, which was the core of his home's ventilation system.

The damper worked like a charm, and Chirpy's house was dry and comfortable once again. He was so grateful that he decided to invite all of his friends over for a grand celebration. They all danced and sang to the tunes that Chirpy played on his violin.

But the celebration was cut short when a loud thud was heard coming from the roof. Chirpy and his friends rushed outside to see what was happening. To their surprise, they found a group of creatures playing a game of cricket on the roof!

Chirpy and his friends joined in the fun, and they all played together for the rest of the day. From that day on, every weekend was a cricket day at Chirpy's house. And thanks to the damper, they could play in comfort, without any worries of condensation ruining their game.

And that, my dear children, is the story of how Chirpy and his friends discovered the importance of a damper and had a course in the game of cricket. The end.


  1. Why did Chirpy's house have a problem with condensation?
  2. What did Chirpy do to solve the problem?
  3. What was the magical shop that Chirpy found on his journey?
  4. What was the surprise that Chirpy and his friends found on the roof?
  5. What did Chirpy and his friends do every weekend after discovering the game of cricket?
  6. What did Chirpy learn from playing cricket with his friends?
  7. How did the damper help Chirpy and his friends play cricket?
  8. Can you think of another solution to Chirpy's condensation problem?

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