Max the Mouse: The Adventures of the Dormer Window Detective

Once upon a time, in a small village on the edge of a great forest, there lived a mischievous and adventurous mouse named Max. Max was always getting into trouble and looking for new challenges to tackle.

One day, Max heard that the local carpenter was building a new house with a dormer window, and he was curious to see what it was all about. He scurried over to the construction site and climbed up to the roof. He was amazed at the beautiful view from the dormer window and decided that he had to have a closer look.

Max scampered along the eaves of the roof, admiring the beautiful craftsmanship. He noticed that there was a small gap between the roof and the window, and he thought that he could squeeze through it to get a better view. But just as he was about to jump through the gap, he heard a strange noise coming from below.

He looked down and saw that the carpenter was taking a break and had taken out a dowel to clean his teeth. Max quickly realized that if he jumped through the gap, he would land right in the carpenter's mouth!

Max quickly scurried back along the eaves and ran down the roof, trying to come up with a plan. He remembered that there was a narrow easement that ran along the side of the house, and he decided that would be the best way to escape. He scampered down the roof, across the easement, and into the safety of the forest.

But Max wasn't done with his adventures yet. He wanted to see what the inside of the house was like. So, he sneaked back into the house and began exploring. He scampered through the drywall, admiring the smooth finish, and he noticed that there was a small drip coming from the ceiling.

Max climbed up to investigate and found that the drip was coming from a hole in the roof. He was determined to fix the problem, so he climbed up to the roof and plugged the hole with some soft drywall.

Max was very proud of himself for fixing the problem, and he scampered back down to the ground, ready for his next adventure. The carpenter was so pleased with Max's handy work that he decided to make him the official mouse of the house, and Max lived happily ever after.


  1. What was Max's goal when he climbed up to the dormer window?
  2. How did Max escape from the carpenter's dowel?
  3. What did Max do to fix the drip in the roof?
  4. Why did the carpenter make Max the official mouse of the house?
  5. What do you think Max's next adventure will be?
  6. What did you learn from Max's story about being brave and adventurous?
  7. Why was the easement a good escape route for Max?
  8. What do you think would have happened if Max had jumped through the gap in the roof?
  9. Why was Max proud of himself after fixing the drip in the roof?
  10. Do you think you would have made the same decisions as Max in this story? Why or why not?

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