Knobby the Knot's Laminating Landing

Once upon a time, there was a small knot named Knobby who lived in a magical forest. Knobby was a mischievous knot who loved to play tricks on the other animals in the forest.

One day, Knobby came across a beautiful lacquer tree. He climbed to the top of the tree and knocked on the door of the resident fairy, Lulu.

"Excuse me, Lulu, do you have any tools I could borrow?" asked Knobby.

Lulu, being the kind fairy she was, gave Knobby a level, a lath, and a hammer. Knobby thanked her and scampered off with his new tools.

He soon found a flat surface of limestone and began to lay out a plan for his latest prank. He measured and marked a spot for a lintel and then began to hammer away.

As he was working, a group of animals gathered to watch. They were amazed by Knobby's carpentry skills and cheered him on as he continued to build.

Finally, Knobby proudly stepped back to admire his handiwork. It was a landing, perfect for laminating! He invited all the animals to try it out.

The animals were skeptical at first, but soon they were all jumping up and down on the landing, laughing and having a great time.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared, and a voice boomed, "Who has disturbed the peace of the forest?" It was the forest king, and he was not happy.

Knobby stepped forward and explained his prank. The king couldn't help but laugh at the silly knot's antics, and he declared a day of celebration in honor of Knobby's creation.

From that day on, the landing became a popular spot for all the animals to play and have fun. And Knobby, the mischievous knot, became known as the master of fun and laughter in the magical forest.

The end.


  1. Who is Knobby in the story?
  2. What did Knobby borrow from Lulu?
  3. What did Knobby build with the tools he borrowed?
  4. How did the animals in the forest react to Knobby's creation?
  5. What happened at the end of the story?
  6. Why do you think Knobby is called the "mischievous knot"?
  7. How do you think the forest king felt when he first saw the landing?
  8. Do you think you could build something like the landing? What would you build?
  9. What is the main message of the story?
  10. If you could meet Knobby, what would you like to do with him?

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