The Adventure on the Roof: Uncovering the Secret of the Rosin Treasure

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a little mouse named Mike. Mike was a curious mouse and loved to explore his surroundings. One day, while he was playing on the roof of his house, he noticed something strange.

He saw that all the other animals in the village were rushing in one direction, so he decided to follow them. They were all running towards the edge of the village, where there was a big pile of rubble. Mike was curious to know what was happening, so he ran as fast as he could to catch up with the others.

When he reached the rubble, he saw that the other animals were trying to dig their way through it to get to the other side. Mike asked them what was going on, and one of the animals replied that they were trying to reveal a secret that was hidden under the rubble. Mike was very excited and decided to join them in their quest.

The animals worked hard to clear the rubble and finally, they reached the other side. To their surprise, they saw a big riser in the ground, with a ribbon tied to it. The ribbon was leading to a small box, which was connected to a router. Mike was confused and asked what it was.

One of the animals explained that the router was a device that could connect them to the internet and help them find answers to all their questions. Mike was thrilled and asked the animal to help him rise the riser. The animal agreed, and together they lifted the riser and opened the box.

To their surprise, inside the box, they found a small bag of rosin. Mike was curious and asked the animal what it was used for. The animal told him that it was used to make the strings of musical instruments strong and produce a beautiful sound.

Mike was overjoyed and decided to use the rosin to create a beautiful musical performance for the whole village. He climbed up to the ridge of the roof and began to play his music. The villagers were amazed by the beautiful sound and danced to the rhythm. They all praised Mike for his creativity and praised the animals for their hard work in uncovering the secret.

And that's how Mike and the animals found the treasure of rosin and created a beautiful musical performance that will be remembered in the village forever. The end.


  1. What was Mike the mouse's favorite thing to do?
  2. Why did all the animals in the village run towards the pile of rubble?
  3. What was the secret that was hidden under the rubble?
  4. What was the riser in the ground used for?
  5. What was the rosin used for?
  6. How did Mike and the animals create a musical performance?
  7. Why did the villagers praise Mike and the animals?
  8. Can you think of another way Mike could have used the rosin?
  9. If you were Mike, what other adventures would you go on?
  10. How can we learn to work together like Mike and the animals in the story?

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