Stud the Square's Giant Adventure

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom made of strata, there was a square named Stud. Stud was a curious young square who loved to explore the world around him. One day, while he was out on a walk, he stumbled upon a strange stain on the ground. Being the curious square that he was, Stud decided to investigate the stain.

As he got closer, he realized that the stain was actually a secret entrance to a underground room. Stud squeezed his square body through the small opening and found himself in a room filled with stools and a beautiful stucco ceiling.

In the middle of the room was a giant spline, which Stud had never seen before. He approached the spline and suddenly, he was sucked into it and transported to a different part of the kingdom.

Stud found himself in a brand new subdivision, where everything was different. The subfloors were made of a soft material and the buildings were much taller than he was used to. Stud soon realized that he had been transported to a land of giants!

As he explored the new subdivision, Stud met a friendly giant who offered to give him a tour. The giant took Stud to the top of a building, where he showed him how to span across the roof using a special technique. Stud was amazed at how easy it was to move around in this new land.

After his tour, Stud said goodbye to the giant and made his way back to the spline. He was sucked back into it and found himself back in the underground room. Stud squeezed his way back out and was so excited to share his adventure with all his friends.

From that day on, Stud was known as the most adventurous square in all the strata and his story was told for generations to come.


  1. What did Stud discover when he found the stain on the ground?
  2. What did Stud think of the giant subdivision he was transported to?
  3. How did Stud get back to his own world after his adventure?
  4. What do you think would have happened if Stud had stayed in the giant subdivision?
  5. Do you think you would like to go on an adventure like Stud's? Why or why not?

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