Speedy the Snail: The Champion of the Roadway

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom, there was a little snail named Speedy. Speedy was tired of always being slow and decided he wanted to race all the other creatures in the kingdom.

One day, he heard about a big race that was happening on the roadway that went through the kingdom. Speedy was so excited that he began to practice every day, racing up and down the sidewalk.

However, every time Speedy would reach the terrace, he would get tired and need a rest. That's when he had an idea! Instead of resting on the sidewalk, he would climb up onto the shoulder of the roadway and take a nap.

The day of the big race arrived and all the creatures gathered at the starting line. When the race began, Speedy was off to a slow start but he quickly picked up speed. As he approached the terrace, he remembered his plan and quickly climbed up onto the shoulder to take a quick nap.

When Speedy woke up, he found that all the other creatures had gone through the tunnel and were now far ahead of him. But Speedy wasn't discouraged, he knew he had a secret weapon. He raced down the shoulder and onto the roadway, going faster and faster.

The other creatures were amazed as Speedy zoomed past them, crossing the finish line first! From that day on, Speedy was known as the fastest snail in the kingdom and all the creatures cheered for him whenever he raced.

And that, my friends, is the story of Speedy the snail, who proved that even the slowest of creatures can become champions if they never give up and always have a nap on the shoulder!


  1. Why did Speedy want to participate in the race?
  2. What was Speedy's secret weapon in the race?
  3. How did Speedy feel when he realized all the other creatures were far ahead of him?
  4. What did the other creatures think of Speedy after he won the race?
  5. Do you think you could be like Speedy and never give up on your dreams? Why or why not?

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