The Kind Lorry Driver

Once upon a time, there was a town where the traffic was always a problem. Cars, lorries, coaches and trains were constantly on the move, causing traffic jams and delays. One day, a family of four was getting ready to go on a trip by coach. They packed their luggage and headed to the railway station, hoping to catch the next train.

As they made their way through the busy streets, they encountered a huge traffic jam. The traffic lights were not working properly and cars were honking, trying to get through. The family was getting worried as they were running out of time to catch their train.

Just then, a kind lorry driver noticed their predicament and offered to give them a ride to the railway station. They climbed into the back of the lorry with their luggage and held on tight as the lorry made its way through the traffic.

Finally, they arrived at the railway station and the lorry driver helped them with their luggage. The family was very grateful and thanked the kind lorry driver for his help. They boarded the coach and started their journey, feeling relieved and happy.

From that day on, the family always remembered the kind lorry driver who helped them in their time of need. They also learned to be patient and understanding in traffic, knowing that everyone is just trying to get to their destination.

The end.


  1. Why was there a traffic jam in the town?
  2. Who offered to help the family reach the railway station?
  3. How did the family feel after the lorry driver helped them?
  4. What did the family learn from this experience?
  5. How do you think the lorry driver felt after helping the family?
  6. What can we do to help others in need when we encounter a traffic jam?

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