The Adventure of the Formatting Fairies

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who loved books. They were always reading different genres, from silly picture books to thrilling adventure stories.

One day, they decided to write their own book and they all agreed that each chapter should be in a different format.

The first chapter was an epigram, a short, witty saying. The second chapter was an editorial, a piece of writing giving an opinion. The third chapter was a haiku, a traditional Japanese poem.

The friends worked hard on their book and finally, it was ready to be published. They were so excited to see their hardcover book on the frontlist of their local bookstore!

However, when they got to the bookstore, they were in for a surprise. The book was not formatted properly and all the words were mixed up!

"What happened to our book?" asked one of the friends.

The bookseller replied, "It looks like the formatting fairies came and had a bit too much fun with your book."

The friends were determined to fix their book, so they set out on a quest to find the formatting fairies. They searched high and low, but just couldn't find them.

Just when they were about to give up, they stumbled upon a group of mischievous fairies who were playing with a bunch of words. The friends finally found the formatting fairies!

The friends explained their problem and the formatting fairies apologized. They explained that they thought it would be funny to mix up the words and make a euphemism, a word or phrase used to replace a more direct or unpleasant one.

The friends and the formatting fairies worked together to fix the book and finally, it was published properly. From that day on, the friends never took formatting for granted and always made sure to double check their book before sending it off to the printers.

And the book was a huge success! Kids everywhere loved the silly sayings, interesting opinions, beautiful poems, and all the different formats. It was a book that truly had something for everyone. The end.


  1. What was the different format for each chapter of the book written by the friends?
  2. What happened to the friends' book when they went to the bookstore to check?
  3. What did the friends do when they found out that their book was not formatted properly?
  4. Who did the friends finally find on their quest to fix their book?
  5. Why did the formatting fairies mix up the words in the friends' book?
  6. What did the friends and the formatting fairies do together to fix the book?
  7. Why was the book written by the friends a huge success?

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