The Tiny Estimator and the Feature Generator: A Tale of Entropy and Function

Once upon a time, in a land of talking machines, there was a tiny estimator named Esti. Esti lived in a machine factory and his job was to calculate the price of each machine that was built. One day, the factory's boss asked Esti to work on a new and very special machine, called the Feature Generator.

The Feature Generator was a magical machine that could create any feature you wanted, as long as you fed it the right inputs. Esti was very excited to work on this project and decided to give it his all.

The first day of work, Esti started calculating the price of each feature that the generator could produce. He worked hard, counting and adding, and after a few epochs, he finally came up with the perfect price for each feature.

However, something strange happened when Esti tested the Feature Generator. Every time he tried to generate a feature, the machine produced a random result that was completely different from what he had calculated. This was a big problem!

Esti thought and thought, trying to figure out what was going wrong. Suddenly, he remembered a word he had heard before, called entropy. He went to the library and learned all about entropy, and how it can cause randomness and unpredictability in systems.

Excited by his newfound knowledge, Esti ran back to the factory and told the boss what was happening. The boss listened to Esti's explanation and was impressed by his quick thinking. Together, they decided to add a new function to the Feature Generator, to control the entropy and make it more predictable.

And so, Esti and the boss worked on the Feature Generator, adding the new function and testing it over and over again. Finally, after several more epochs, the Feature Generator was working perfectly! Every time Esti generated a feature, it was exactly what he had calculated, and the price was always the same.

The boss was so happy with Esti's work that he made him the head estimator of the factory. From that day on, Esti was known as the tiny estimator who solved the mystery of the Feature Generator and made it the most amazing machine in the land of talking machines. And every time a machine was built, Esti was there to calculate its price, always using his quick thinking and love of learning to make sure everything was just right.

The end.


  1. Who is Esti and what was his job in the machine factory?
  2. What is the Feature Generator and what was its special ability?
  3. Why was Esti having trouble with the Feature Generator?
  4. What did Esti learn about entropy and how did it help him solve the problem with the Feature Generator?
  5. What did the boss do to recognize Esti's hard work and quick thinking?
  6. What was the new function that Esti and the boss added to the Feature Generator?
  7. How did Esti's love of learning help him in his job as a head estimator?

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