The Shrubbert Show: A Forest Full of Fun

Once upon a time, in a magical forest filled with all sorts of plants and trees, there lived a little shrub named Shrubbert. Shrubbert was very special, for he had a root that was always smiling, a shoot that could sing the sweetest melodies, and resin that tasted like sugar. He was also surrounded by friends like pollen, petal, sap, sage, spore, and seed.

One day, Shrubbert decided he wanted to put on a show for all the other plants in the forest. He gathered his friends and they worked hard to put together a performance that would make the whole forest smile.

The day of the show finally arrived, and the plants all gathered to watch. Shrubbert took center stage and began to sing a song about the wonders of being a shrub. The other plants were so impressed that they started clapping and cheering.

But then, something unexpected happened! The pollen started to sneeze, and suddenly, thousands of tiny pollen particles went flying into the air. The petals started to spin, the sap began to jump, and the sage started to tell jokes.

The whole forest was in chaos, but it was the most delightful chaos you could ever imagine. The spore started to dance, the seed started to swing, and even the roots were tapping their toes.

The show was a huge success, and all the plants were left with happy hearts and smiling faces. From that day on, the forest was filled with joy and laughter, thanks to Shrubbert and his amazing friends.

And that, my friends, is the story of the magical forest and the little shrub who brought happiness to all the plants. The end.


  1. Who is the main character in the story?
  2. What does Shrubbert want to do for the other plants in the forest?
  3. What happened during the show that made the forest chaotic but delightful?
  4. What was the outcome of the show?
  5. Can you name some of Shrubbert's friends in the story?
  6. How did the show make the plants in the forest feel?
  7. If you were in the forest, which character would you like to be friends with the most?
  8. How do you think the story would have ended if Shrubbert never decided to put on a show?
  9. What was your favorite part of the story? Why?
  10. Can you think of a similar show that you could put on for your friends or family?

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