Twiggy the Thorn-Busting Sprout

Once upon a time, there was a tiny sprout named Twiggy who lived at the base of a big tree. Twiggy was always so curious about the world around him and loved to explore. One day, as Twiggy was wandering around, he noticed that the trunk of the tree was covered in thorns.

"Oh no!" thought Twiggy. "Those thorns are going to hurt anyone who tries to climb the tree!" So, Twiggy decided to do something about it.

He gathered all of his courage and bravely approached the trunk of the tree. Carefully, Twiggy reached out and plucked one of the thorns. It was surprisingly easy, and Twiggy couldn't help but giggle with delight.

Encouraged by his success, Twiggy continued to pluck thorns from the trunk of the tree, one by one. Before long, the trunk was completely free of thorns, and Twiggy was beaming with pride.

But then, just as Twiggy was about to take a step back and admire his handiwork, the tree started to shake. Twiggy looked up and saw that the branches were waving back and forth, as if the tree was trying to say something.

"Thank you, Twiggy," the tree said in a deep, booming voice. "I've been trying to get rid of those thorns for ages, but I just couldn't reach them. You're a true hero!"

Twiggy was so surprised that he nearly fell over. But he quickly regained his balance and replied, "It was nothing, really. I just wanted to help."

From that day on, Twiggy and the tree became the best of friends. They would spend their days exploring the forest and chatting about all sorts of things. And whenever anyone came to climb the tree, the trunk was always smooth and free of thorns, thanks to Twiggy's quick thinking and bravery.

The end.


  1. Who is Twiggy in the story?
  2. What did Twiggy do to help the tree?
  3. How did the tree show its gratitude to Twiggy?
  4. Why was the trunk of the tree covered in thorns?
  5. Who became best friends with Twiggy after he helped the tree?
  6. Why did Twiggy want to help the tree?
  7. How did Twiggy feel after he removed all the thorns from the tree's trunk?
  8. Why was Twiggy a hero in the story?
  9. What did the tree say to Twiggy after he removed the thorns?
  10. What kind of person do you think Twiggy is based on the story?

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