Ben's Burger Bagel Adventure

Once upon a time, in a small village lived a baker named Ben. Ben loved to bake bread and experiment with new ingredients. One day, he decided to try making a new dish for the villagers.

He started by mixing some batter with beans, biscuits, and a dash of beer. He added some butter to the mix to make it extra rich. Then, he formed the mixture into the shape of a burger and baked it in the oven. The aroma of the baking bread filled the whole village and everyone started to gather around Ben's bakery.

When the bread was finally ready, Ben took it out of the oven and placed it on a plate. To his surprise, the bread looked like a bagel, but with a twist. It was round, just like a bagel, but instead of a hole in the center, it had a delicious, juicy burger patty in the middle.

The villagers were so curious about the new dish that they all gathered around to try it. They took a bite and their eyes lit up with delight. The juicy burger, combined with the soft bread and the crispy biscuit, was a perfect combination. The broth added a touch of flavor that made it simply irresistible.

From that day on, the villagers started to call the dish "Ben's Burger Bagel" and it quickly became the most popular dish in the village. Ben became famous for his creation and his bakery was always busy.

And that, my friends, is the story of how Ben's Burger Bagel became the most famous dish in the village, all thanks to a little bit of batter, beans, biscuits, butter, beer, and broth.


  1. What did Ben use to make the new dish?
  2. What did the new dish look like?
  3. What made the new dish so special?
  4. What was the name of the new dish?
  5. How did the villagers react to the new dish?
  6. What happened to Ben after the villagers tried the new dish?
  7. Can you think of any other ingredients that could be added to the dish to make it even better?
  8. Do you think you would like to try Ben's Burger Bagel? Why or why not?
  9. Can you think of any other dishes that you could make with the ingredients in this story?
  10. What do you think would happen if you added more or less of a certain ingredient to the dish?

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