The Great Lard and Ice Adventure in Benny's Magical Kitchen

Once upon a time, there was a little chef named Benny who lived in a magical kitchen. Benny loved to cook, and he had all sorts of amazing ingredients at his fingertips, including margarine, juice, hamburger, grill, lard, liquor, food, ice, ketchup, marinade, glaze, and more!

One day, Benny was getting ready to make a delicious meal for his friends. He started by mixing together some margarine, juice, and a secret ingredient – a dash of liquor! He stirred and stirred until he had the perfect marinade for his hamburgers.

Next, Benny fired up the grill and started cooking the burgers. They sizzled and spit as he added a generous amount of ketchup and a glaze made from lard and sugar. The kitchen smelled amazing, and Benny's friends started to arrive, eager to taste his creation.

Just as the burgers were almost ready, Benny heard a loud crash from the other side of the kitchen. He turned around to find that the ice had come to life and was on a rampage! The ice was melting everything in its path – drinks, sauces, and even the kitchen itself!

Benny knew he had to act fast to save his delicious burgers. He grabbed a handful of lard and smeared it all over the ice, hoping to slow it down. To his surprise, the ice slowed down and then suddenly stopped altogether.

Benny realized that the lard had made the ice slippery, and it had slid right out of the kitchen and into the great outdoors! Benny and his friends celebrated by eating their delicious burgers and toasting to the power of food and the magic of the kitchen.

From that day on, Benny always kept a jar of lard nearby in case the ice ever came back for another wild adventure. And as for the little chef, he continued to cook up a storm in his magical kitchen, always creating delicious and creative meals for his friends to enjoy.


  1. What was the secret ingredient in Benny's marinade for the hamburgers?
  2. How did Benny stop the rampaging ice in the kitchen?
  3. What did Benny learn about lard after the ice incident?
  4. What was the outcome of Benny's cooking adventure with his friends?
  5. Can you think of another ingredient that Benny could have used instead of lard to stop the ice? Why or why not?

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