Lily and the Magic Chest

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a little girl named Lily who lived in a small cottage with her parents. One day, while playing in the garden, she stumbled upon a mysterious chest that had washed up on the shore. She eagerly opened it and found a flask, a holder, a folder, a cube, a crate, a drum, a cooler, a hutch, a glass, a drawer, a container, and a coffer, all packed inside!

Lily was curious and decided to take a closer look at each item. She opened the flask and found that it was filled with a magical liquid that could turn anything into gold! She placed the holder on her head, and it turned into a crown of diamonds and rubies. She opened the folder, and out popped a genie who granted her three wishes.

Next, Lily picked up the cube and found that it was a cube of ice cream! She licked it and discovered that it had every flavor of ice cream imaginable. The crate was filled with toys and games, and the drum began playing music all by itself when she touched it.

The cooler was filled with drinks that never ran out, no matter how much she took out. The hutch transformed into a house filled with sweets and treats. The glass became a pair of magical glasses that allowed her to see things that were invisible to the naked eye. The drawer was filled with money and the container was overflowing with candy!

Finally, she opened the coffer and found that it was filled with gold coins and precious jewels. Lily was overjoyed and decided to share her wealth with her parents and friends.

And so, she lived happily ever after, surrounded by her magical treasures and loved ones. From that day on, she never stopped exploring and discovering new wonders in the world.

The end.


  1. What did Lily find inside the mysterious chest she stumbled upon?
  2. What happened when Lily opened the flask?
  3. What was in the folder that popped out when Lily opened it?
  4. How did the cube, crate, and drum react when Lily touched them?
  5. What was in the cooler, hutch, glass, drawer, container, and coffer?
  6. What did Lily do with all the magical treasures she found?
  7. How did the story end for Lily?
  8. If you were Lily, which magical item would you have liked the most and why?
  9. Do you think you would be as brave as Lily if you stumbled upon a mysterious chest? Why or why not?
  10. Can you think of any other magical items that might have been in the chest?

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